Practically all kinds of PEMFs help improve body circulation through a multitude of mechanisms.
These mechanisms include dilation of the blood vessels, edema reduction that will constrain blood circulation, alleviation of platelet adhesion, and reduction of the fibrinogen clotting. There is some evidence indicating that PEMF therapy will also help to influence the pliability of the body red blood cells, which enables them to go through body capillaries much more conveniently. There will also be a reduction in body inflammation through it.
What’s more, PEMF therapy also helps influence the blood’s saline content making it less viscous. All of these factors work together to fight against blood clot formation.
How Does PEMF Help in Preventing Blood Clots?
Viscosity may correspond to the object’s thickness. Increased viscosity of blood is a local as well as a systematic issue. Locally speaking, any injury may result in regional or local tissue edema. Edema will constrain the blood flow, which may lead to an increase in viscosity in the edematous area. On a systematic note, the body’s fibrinogen increases because of an increase in inflammation.
Also, the C-reactive protein, platelet clumping, and protein content in the vascular as well as the extravascular space increases. All of these factors together reduce the overall blood flow that leads to more blood viscosity. So, improving it is important as it may lead to conditions such as blood clotting. It is because it aggravates the inflammation pre-existing and also increases clot developing probability or the thrombosis in the blood vessels. Thrombosis and clots may lead to different alterations in the body’s circulation, which may result in heart attacks, stroke, and pulmonary embolism, and others.
How PEMF Helps in Blood Clot Prevention?
Treating only a single mechanism that may result in an increased viscosity wouldn’t result positively. However, as PEMF therapy addresses multiple blood-clotting mechanisms to a varying degree for physiological change, almost everyone will see positive benefits from it. Whenever the PEMF applicator gets applied to the human subject, the blood flowing under the magnetic field’s influence will be affected. Therefore, the entire circulation will get affected after a certain number of heart cycles. These influences will happen faster when the body gets exposed to the local area only.
This is the way through which PEMF can help in the prevention of blood clotting.
How PEMFs Will Show Results?
The total area and time of exposure are some important things to look for in order to get a sustained and generalized effect. Taking the help of PEMF treatment will only influence viscosity in a more durable manner if the root cause of the blood clotting is also managed or treated. A study also found PEMFs to be helpful as aspirin by a different mechanism than the drug in alleviating platelet adhesiveness.
PEMF therapy might be better as compared to aspirin because of different components included in more platelet adhesion. It also applies to other treatments for platelet adhesion and anticoagulants that are used to prevent heart attack and stroke.
PEMFs, when utilized for a certain treatment, a large array of actions being given to the body by PEMF takes place. In that essence, a subject might be able to see more benefits than just the anticipated result of the treatment. However, in severe cases of thromboembolism or blood clotting, it is always recommended to take into account the medical history and other information. Consult with your healthcare provider before use, and do consult the healthcare team before taking any final decision for the therapy.
For more information on PEMF therapy and equipment, visit