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Does Rice Go Bad

does rice go bad

Yes, It can go bad. Being a staple ingredient in many global cuisines, rice is a common food in many households, especially in Asian regions. However, properly stored dry white rice can last up to 2 years, while brown rice can last up to 6 months. Signs of bad rice include mold, bugs, water, and discoloration.

5 Warning Signs That Your Rice Gone Bad

Being a high calory food and staple carbohydrate source for billions of people, white rice can make an excellent addition to any household. Do you know it is the main food source for more than half of the population of world? An average family should store at least 300 Ibs of rice for one-year purpose considering 25-60 Ibs of rice for one person.

Even though the shelf life of rice can range from 1-2 years, you should still be aware of the warning signs that indicate your rice has expired. (1)  If you wish to know more about these signs, take a look at the following points mentioned below.

1. Mold

If the rice contains visible mold, then you should throw it out right away and consider it expired.

2. Bugs

If by chance, you notice the presence of insects or bugs in rice, then you must discard the rice and avoid consuming it.

3. Water damage

It can also be damaged by water or moisture, so before consuming rice, check for any sour smell and rancid taste. 

4. Discolouration

Take a closer look into the texture of the rice and if you notice any change in rice colour, then discard it immediately. 

5. Bad smell

Freshly cooked rices will have a soft texture and pleasant smell while expired rice will emit a sour smell. 

Tips To Store Rice

It is a staple food for millions of people on earth, making it an essential agricultural item which requires proper modes of harvest and post-harvest methods. The crop is usually seasonal and hence it is of utmost importance for people to be aware of the best practices of storing and preserving it properly. Check out the following tips to increase the longevity of the product

What Happens If You Use Expired Rice ?

It is the staple carbohydrate source for billions of people all across the world, so extra care should be taken when preserving and storing rices for consumption. Fungi contamination is the main reason for the deterioration of rice as the mycotoxins released by the fungi induces food poisoning, liver damage, dyspnea.

The increased mold contamination also leads to the reduction of certain fatty acids and results in the unpleasant or unfresh odour in the rices. (4) Expired rices also leads to the growth of a harmful bacteria called Bacillus cereus which is responsible for two types of gastrointestinal diseases: emesis and diarrhea. (5)

 Eating expired rices may also cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhoea, and abdominal cramps. In severe cases, it can also lead to dehydration and organ damage. It’s best to discard any rices that has passed its expiration date to avoid the risk of foodborne illness.

Factors That Cause Rice To Go Bad


Q1. How long can you keep uncooked rices?
Ans. Uncooked rice can be kept for up to two years in a cool, dry, and airtight container.

Q2. Does rice go bad after cooked?
Ans. Yes, cooked rices can go bad if it’s left at room temperature for too long. It’s recommended to store cooked rices in the refrigerator and consume it within 3-4 days.


  1. Utah State University: Storing White Rice | USU 
  2. Rice Drying, Storage and Processing: Rice Drying, Storage and Processing: Effects of Post-Harvest Operations on Grain Quality
  3. USARICE: Storing Uncooked Rice
  4. NCBI: Effects of different storage conditions on the metabolite and microbial profiles of white rice 
  5. National library of medicine: Survival during cooking and growth from spores of diarrheal and emetic types of Bacillus cereus in rice

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